Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Once Was Lost...

…but now am found. My cat, Maxie is singing these words this cold morning. I usually let the cats and dog out for a short romp in the morning while I eat my breakfast on the patio. They always stay in the fenced in yard till I round them up for their breakfast. Until this morning.

I guess because Maxie was a teenager feral cat when we adopted him, he remembers being able to roam. Our other cat we adopted as a baby rarely even likes to go outside. Maxie, on the other hand, seems to love adventure. When I wasn’t looking, he squeezed through a hole in the fence and out into the woods.

So there I was, tramping through the tall brush and oaks, looking for a gold cat among gold fall leaves. I went 3 blocks and couldn’t find him. On the way back home I prayed, “Lord, I can’t see him. Let my eyes fall on him.” I walked back toward the woods and lo and behold, Maxie was walking up a fallen tree that was at a 45 degree angle leaning on another tree. I saw him clearly and called him. The great thing was, he came and ran right back home.

Now how many cats do you know that come when you call? And the Lord had that tree stump at just the right angle and had Maxie walking up it just when I was walking by. I think sometimes we over spiritualize things. A supernatural word of knowledge ( I Corinthians 12:8) can come when most needed whether chasing cats, kids or what have you. Thank you, Lord, for helping me find my prodigal cat.