Tuesday, October 12, 2010

All that I have is yours

I have to chuckle after reading my last post. I guess I'm still walking in economic faith.

A few weeks ago, I heard in my spirit very clearly, "All that I have is yours". I always like those wonderfully positive words from God but I also know that when He makes a specific promise stand out, I usually get tested on it. It's His way. Promise-Problem-Principle-Provision. We get a promise from God's word. Then a problem ensues to make us want to give up on the promise. We see in His word how to walk by faith while waiting on God to do what He said, then the provision comes in. Sounds simple?

For the last 3 weeks Bill hasn't had work. We just took all but $15 out of savings to pay our mortgage, and the rest of the bills that were due. We have $30 left in checking for groceries. Sounds awful. But...I have His peace. All bills are paid, we won't starve and God has provided even with only one paycheck.

The test is knowing that ALL that He has IS ours. He doesn't have to give it to us in one lump some. We wouldn't know how to handle it. But we must enter into His rest, knowing He's got our back and standing on the most sure foundation: His word!